Daniel Skowroński


Management 3.0 Facilitator, Agile Coach, Scrum Master

Experienced Agile and Lean consultant, Management 3.0 Facilitator, OKRs Coach & Trainer, Change Agent, Leader who Serves, with a strong IT technical background, maneuvering freely between people, business and technology domains.

Daniel is a coach of modern management principles and practices for organizations. He supports both operational teams and upper management. Having a solid practical knowledge and years of experience in Agile, Lean and Management 3.0, he enhances steady and healthy organizational growth.

Management 3.0
Lean change management
Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban
Nexus, LeSS, SAFe
BMG, Lean Startup
Servant Leadership
Agile-Lean coaching
Presentation skills


Management 3.0 ★★★★★
Lean change management ★★★★★
Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban ★★★★★
Nexus, LeSS, SAFe ★★★★☆
BMG, Lean Startup ★★★★☆
Holacracy ★★★☆☆
DevOps ★★★☆☆
Servant Leadership ★★★★☆
Agile-Lean coaching ★★★★☆
Presentation skills ★★★★☆

Alicja Kulawik


Agile Consultant, Business Coach, Facilitator

Experienced trainer, speaker, facilitator and coach. She successfully uses psychological knowledge in business, comes from retail industry where she first propagated agility.

Alicja performs training, facilitation and coaching in an international environment, she is experienced in the retail industry and beyond. She perfectly understands competency development needs and day-to-day business at many responsibility levels in all areas of activities of sales companies. She lives Agile values and strives to improve cooperation and communication within the organisation.

Presentation skills
Conflict management
Customer service
Design Thinking & CX
Everything DiSC facilitator
Retail business


Training ★★★★★
Coaching ★★★★☆
Facilitation ★★★★★
Presentation skills ★★★★★
Conflict management ★★★☆☆
Leadership ★★★★☆
Customer service ★★★★★
Design Thinking & CX ★★★☆☆
Everything DiSC facilitator ★★★★☆
Retail business ★★★★★

Paweł Błasiak


Management 3.0 Facilitator, Agile Coach, Scrum Master

Experienced consultant, Agile Coach, Scrum Master with extensive experience in the financial industry. For several years he has been fascinated with agile methods of work, which he uses and promotes not only in the IT environment.

For several years, he has been supporting teams in implementing Agile ways of working and companies in Agile transformation.

He works with operational and management teams to promote leadership, empiricism, continuous improvement approach and building trust. He is not tied to any particular framework, method or tool.

Management 3.0
Scrum, Kanban
Scaling Agile
Culture change
Product Management
Design Thinking / UX/UI
Team coaching
Servant Leadership
Presentation skills


Management 3.0 ★★★★★
Facilitation ★★★★★
Scrum, Kanban ★★★★★
Scaling Agile ★★★☆☆
Culture change ★★★★☆
Product Management ★★★★☆
Design Thinking / UX/UI ★★★☆☆
Team coaching ★★★★★
Servant Leadership ★★★★★
Presentation skills ★★★★★

Magdalena Kucharska


Professional Scrum Trainer, Facilitator

Experienced Agile Coach and Scrum Master with over 10 years of experience
in various industries such as: engineering, aviation, banking, gambling, MLM.

In her work, she focuses on the quality of the Product and responding to customer needs. She loves to facilitate Scrum training because it is her way of showing its value.

She does this with ease and humor, including many real-life stories to help students understand the empiricism behind Scrum.

Scrum (PST)
Management 3.0
Nexus, LeSS, SAFe
Team coaching
Business coaching
Servant Leadership
Agile-Lean coaching
Presentation skills


Scrum (PST) ★★★★★
Kanban ★★★★★
Management 3.0 ★★★★★
Nexus, LeSS, SAFe ★★★☆☆
Facilitation ★★★★☆
Team coaching ★★★★☆
Business coaching ★★★★☆
Servant Leadership ★★★★☆
Agile-Lean coaching ★★★★☆
Presentation skills ★★★★☆

Maciej Nadolski


Agile consultant, Professional Scrum Trainer

Experienced trainer, Scrum Master, Agile Coach and consultant, leader who serves.

He focuses on training people and practices Servant Leadership, which means that rather than having power over people, he empowers them to develop professionally and guides them towards their best performance both individually and as a team.

In his work to help organizations, Maciej starts at understanding and measuring their objectives and benefits. He approaches each challenge with insight and respect towards people and aims at maximizing the efficacy of practices in the organization.

Culture change
Team coaching
Servant Leadership
Presentation skills


Scrum ★★★★★
Kanban ★★★★★
Culture change ★★★★☆
SAFe ★★★★★
Team coaching ★★★★★
Servant Leadership ★★★★★
Presentation skills ★★★★★

Katarzyna Ziemba


Professional Scrum Trainer, Facilitator

Experienced trainer, Scrum Master, consultant, coach and facilitator, quality guardian by education, community servant by passion.

Kasia is a born facilitator and Scrum Master with extensive knowledge and practices foundation. A model Servant Leader, tested in the most difficult conditions.

She believes that deep inside, everyone has skills and potential to do what they love and do it well. Her mission is to improve the overall product quality by building
a better and a healthier work environment.

Lean change management
Culture change
Scrum (PST)
Kanban, Scrumban
Nexus, LeSS, SAFe
Team coaching
Business coaching
Servant Leadership
Presentation skills


Facilitation ★★★★★
Lean change management ★★★★☆
Culture change ★★★★☆
Scrum (PST) ★★★★★
Kanban, Scrumban ★★★☆☆
Nexus, LeSS, SAFe ★★★☆☆
Team coaching ★★★★☆
Business coaching ★★★★☆
Servant Leadership ★★★★☆
Presentation skills ★★★★☆

Kate Hobler (Terlecka)


Professional Scrum Trainer

Mentor with extraordinary charisma. One of the most experienced Scrum experts in Poland and an accredited Scrum.org trainer since 2009.

Due to her experience in working with teams and business, she often has the most severe cases. The first person in Poland with a license to teach Nexus, an exoskeleton for scaling Scrum. Extremely patient and determined. She wants to change the way how software development looks like in Poland. Co-founder of Brass Willow, a training and consulting brand.

Nexus, LeSS
Lean change managem
Culture change
Team coaching
Business coaching
Servant Leadership
Presentation skills


Scrum ★★★★★
Nexus, LeSS ★★★★★
Lean change management ★★★★☆
Culture change ★★★★☆
Facilitation ★★★★☆
Kanban ★★★★☆
Team coaching ★★★★★
Business coaching ★★★★★
Servant Leadership ★★★★☆
Presentation skills ★★★★☆

Bogdan Doroslovac


Tech Lead and Professional Scrum Trainer

Experienced engineer, Tech Lead and servant leader with knack for real-time embedded systems, Scrum.org Professional Scrum Trainer.

Believes that organizations that invest in technological development and agile engineering practices can gain a real increase in team engagement, eradicate
blame game, ultimately retaining and attracting more talent, followed by maximizing business value delivery.

Embedded systems
Real-Time Applications
Nexus, LeSS, SAFe
Clean Software
Servant Leadership
Agile coaching
Presentation skills


Scrum ★★★★★
Embedded systems ★★★★★
Real-Time Applications ★★★★★
Nexus, LeSS, SAFe ★★★☆☆
Clean Software ★★★★☆
DevOps ★★★☆☆
Servant Leadership ★★★★☆
Agile coaching ★★★★☆
Presentation skills ★★★★☆

Piotr Żarek


.Net Tech Lead, Clean Code expert

Versatile and insightful Tech Lead with extensive experience in startup, corporate and corp-up commercial projects.

Consultant and change leader in software architecture area, implementing the best practices of agile product development management. As a Scrum Master, he supported Agile teams in delivering solutions tailored to customer needs.

Domain-Driven Design
Behavior-Driven Development
Clean Code
Clean Architecture
Event-Driven Architecture
Cloud Solutions
Presentation skills 


Domain-Driven Design ★★★★★
Behavior-Driven Development ★★★★★
Clean Code ★★★★★
Clean Architecture ★★★★★
Microservices ★★★☆☆
Refactoring ★★★★★
Event-Driven Architecture ★★★★☆
.NET ★★★★☆
Cloud Solutions ★★★☆☆
Scrum ★★★☆☆
Presentation skills ★★★★☆

Lisette Sutherland


Remote Work Expert, Work Together Anywhere Author

Lisette Sutherland is a public speaker, workshop leader, author, entrepreneur and remote-working champion.

She is the director of Collaboration Superpowers, a company that helps people work together from anywhere through online and in-person workshops. With over 10 years experience with web-based collaboration tools and online community management, her goal is to get the best people working together regardless of location.

Remote cooperation
Presentation skills
Public speaking
Content management
Business strategy
Management 3.0
Servant Leadership


Remote cooperation ★★★★★
Presentation skills ★★★★★
Public speaking ★★★★☆
Content management ★★★★☆
Business strategy ★★★★☆
Marketing ★★★★☆
Management 3.0 ★★★☆☆
Servant Leadership ★★★★☆

Jason Little


Change Management Expert, Lean Change Management Author

Author of Lean Change Management, Founder of Lean Change Management Association and Spark the Change Toronto, ex-Dev.

Jason since 2007 as a Scrum Master, Product Owner, Internal and External Coach help organizations discover more effective practices for managing work and people. He is passionate about the people side of change, and focus on bringing meaningful change into organizations that will improve the lives of people.

Lean change management
Management consulting
Agile coaching
Management 3.0
Lean Startup
Servant Leadership
Presentation skills


Lean change management ★★★★★
Management consulting ★★★★★
Agile coaching ★★★★★
Management 3.0 ★★★★☆
Kanban ★★★★☆
Scrum ★★★★☆
Lean Startup ★★★★☆
Servant Leadership ★★★★☆
Presentation skills ★★★★☆

Consulting services


  • Szkolenie dla wszystkich, którzy chcą wdrażać nowe techniki zarządzania w swoich firmach.
    Przeprowadzone bardzo profesjonalne, angażujące kursantów, ćwiczenia były prowadzone z naciskiem na pracę w zespołach.
    Omawiane tematy i wyciągnięte wnioski z tego kursu zostały zastosowane z sukcesem w codziennej pracy.

    Robert Pruski
    Development Manager
    SAP Polska

  • I'd like to know more about people I work with, the course did a fantastic job on teaching me how in a simple and fun way to obtain this knowledge.

    Jakub Brzózka
    Information Technology Team Lead

  • Clear communication about mgt 3.0, inviting participants into exercises, lead by example, raise a hand when discussion is going to far beyond the topic - that was great.

    Łukasz Kurzeja
    Chapter Lead
    ING Tech

  • For me introducing OKRs within the company, or even department at the start, as an example of different approach is worth of trying. Also some specific games, practices for sure will enrich my private portfolio of techniques used in my work on daily basis.

    Grzegorz Czaicki
    Scrum Master

  • Well-organized, everything was prepared in advance, he knew what to do and how to keep the discussions valuable for most of us.

    Antonina Geras-Starecka
    Product Owner

  • Inspirations, ideas, good level of understanding.

    Katarzyna Drzazga
    IT Delivery Manager

  • I loved the motivation pieces and empowerment of the team practices - I will definitely use it in my work.
    I don't have any advice at the moment - in my opinion it was all that I needed.

    Izabela Kierzek
    IT Project Manager

  • Wspaniałe zarządzanie czasem, merytoryką dyskusji, ogromna wiedza i doświadczenie, złote rady w przerwach, idealne materiały, można powiedzieć, że przykład ideału, który stawiał, że samemu chciało się zachowywać jak godny uczestnik (mimo, że momentami bywało różnie ;)).

    Paulina Murawska
    Scrum Master

  • Everything was great, so I would say - keep it up like this!.

    Piotr Górajek
    Scrum Master

  • Great knowledge of agile management methods.

    Hubert Jackowski
    Business Operations Manager

  • He is a great facilitator with tremendous skills.

    Jakub Piecuch
    Scrum Master

  • They make it easier, help to work out solutions, giving the team the right space, both time and place, as well as the oppressive atmosphere conducive to work on the areas of decision-making. This helps to develop decisions from the bottom up in such a way that the areas of decision-making remain among people and not the decision maker.

    Michał Kosiorek
    Head of HR

  • Calm, making sure that we understand, answering a lot of questions, examples.

    Marek Charkiewicz
    DEVOPS Team Leader

  • All set of workshops was inspiring. Specifically, I would like to work with the team more closely, get to know them better. For example, run the moving motivators game. Also, a common definition of our goals or OKRs seem to have great potential.

    Aleksander Kłosowicz

  • Very good teaching skills, ability to keep group involved throughout 2 days.

    Michael Kacprzak
    Director of Application Development

  • Znałem ćwiczenia, czytałem książki a mimo to gorąco polecam udział w szkoleniu. Masa inspiracji i ciekawych dyskusji.

    Piotr Wegert
    Perform Group
    Scrum Master

  • Podchodząc do tematu szkolenia dla produkt managera miałem wiele wątpliwości. Wszystkie punkty z mojej listy pomógł mi rozwiązać Pan Daniel. Nikt z konkurencji nie potrafił skutecznie zaproponować mi targetowanego szkolenia... dopiero kontakt z firmą Valkir Academy pozwolił poczuć mi się komfortowo. Wszystkim polecam szkolenie gdyż:

    • jest realizowane przez praktyka
    • jest poparte ciekawymi przykładami
    • pozwala przygotować się do roli product ownera
    • coach potrafi precyzyjnie kierować szkoleniem (elastycznie je dopasowywać) jeżeli wymaga tego sytuacja tzn. nie trzyma się twardych, założonych ram programowych
    • przygotowuje niespodzianki z zakresu omawianego tematu takie jak dodatkowe symulacje

    Wszystkim polecam szkolenia w tej firmie, nie tylko z uwagi na atrakcyjny program ale również z uwagi na bardzo konkurencyjna cenę i indywidualne podejście do klienta.

    Kamil Piwowarczyk

  • Szkolenie bardzo merytoryczne. Zawiera dużo przydatnej wiedzy, nie tylko teoretycznej ale i praktycznej. Świetne warsztaty.

    Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.

  • Szkolenie przygotowane bardzo profesjonalnie, informacje bardzo przydatne, przekazane w sposób jasny, prosty i bezpośredni.

    Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.

  • Ogrom specjalistycznej wiedzy podany w bardzo przystępnej formie.

    Maciej Kryński - Konsultant - Opiekun startupu
    Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.

  • Szkolenie bardzo merytoryczne, dobrze zaplanowane w czasie. Jasny i prosty przekaz. Zabawne ale bardzo obrazowe i wciągające przykłady :-)

    Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.

Upcoming trainings

Date Location Course duration Course topic Price per person
2024-09-23 Online Onsite training - 16h - 2 days each 8 hours (including breaks).

Online training - 18h - 3 days each 6 hours (including breaks).
Online training schedule:
  • 09:00 - 11:30 CET online session,
  • 11:30 - 12:30 CET break,
  • 12:30 - 15:00 CET online session.
Management 3.0 Foundation Early bird: 850 EUR, standard 990 EUR
2024-11-12 Online Onsite training - 16h - 2 days each 8 hours (including breaks).

Online training - 18h - 3 days each 6 hours (including breaks). Online training schedule:
  • 09:00 - 11:30 CET online session,
  • 11:30 - 12:30 CET break,
  • 12:30 - 15:00 CET online session.
Management 3.0 Agile Change & Co-Creation Leadership Early bird: 850 EUR, standard 990 EUR
2024-09-11 Online Onsite training - 16h - 2 days each 8 hours (including breaks).

Online training - 18h - 3 days each 6 hours (including breaks).
Online training schedule:
  • 09:00 - 11:30 CET online session,
  • 11:30 - 12:30 CET break,
  • 12:30 - 15:00 CET online session.
Management 3.0 Agile Team & People Leadership Early bird: 850 EUR, standard 990 EUR
2024-09-16 Online Onsite training - 24h - 3 days each 8 hours (including breaks).

Online training - 24h - 4 days each 6 hours (including breaks).
Online training schedule:
  • 09:00 - 11:30 CET online session,
  • 11:30 - 12:30 CET break,
  • 12:30 - 15:00 CET online session.
Lean Change Management Early bird: 790 EUR, standard 890 EUR